Payment Friction

Payment Friction: How to Reduce it and Increase Sales

Payment friction in online checkout can significantly impact conversion rates and sales. It is a major concern for e-commerce businesses as nearly 70% of shopping carts get abandoned at checkout…

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payment gateway API

How do I Create a Payment Gateway API?

We live in an omnichannel customer experience era, and developers play a critical role. They ensure that all data is processed correctly, from when a customer looks at a product…

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Short-Term vs Long-Term Fixed Deposits

Short-Term vs Long-Term Fixed Deposits: The Ultimate Investment Comparison

When it comes to investing, fixed deposits are a popular option for many people. Fixed deposits offer a reliable and secure way to earn interest on your savings, making them…

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How To Know Your Transactions Are Successful Using A Payment Gateway

Online payments have become essential to our lives and will continue to impact business. According to Economic Times, digital payments will grow to 71.7% of all transactions by 2025.  A…

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What is a Payment Link

What is a Payment Link & How can it Benefit Your Business?

The payment process is one of the cornerstones of successful sales. You must approach it carefully to guarantee that your consumers have a positive experience with your payment process.  What…

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